LET'S (e)CONNECT! Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-SESSION on Thursday 27 February 2025 from 15H to 16H30 CET (Amsterdam time-zone) Our guest speakers...
more 21 February 2025Union Fleurs will be present at IPM ESSEN, Germany from 28 to 31 January 2025. You are warmly welcome to visit us in Hall 1, Stand 1D12 at the BGI TRADE CENTER! We look forw...
more 27 January 2025Union Fleurs - International Flower Trade Association and FSI – Floriculture Sustainability Initiative are pleased to announce the confirmed lineup of panellists who have all accep...
more 25 October 2024Union Fleurs - International Flower Trade Association and FSI – Floriculture Sustainability Initiative are pleased to announce Jan van Dam, CEO of Dutch Flower Group, as the keynot...
more 17 October 2024Floriforum, organised by Union Fleurs – International Flower Trade Association, in partnership with FSI – Floriculture Sustainability Initiative, will take place on Monday 4...
more 08 July 2024LET'S (e)CONNECT! Union Fleurs members, industry partners and network are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 15H to 16H30 CET (Amsterda...
more 16 February 2024FloriPEFCR ( Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Cut flowers and Potted plants) aims to set harmonised rules and a methodology for calculating environmental f...
more 15 February 2024Union Fleurs will be present at IPM ESSEN, Germany from 23 to 26 January 2024. You are warmly welcome to visit us in Hall 1, Stand 1D12.A at the BGI TRADE CENTER! We look fo...
more 15 January 2024We wish all our members and network all the very best for 2024! May the New Year bring fulfillment, enjoyment and inspiration to all ! Sincere thanks to our members, stakeholders a...
more 05 January 2024Union Fleurs will be present at IFTF - International Floriculture Trade Fair , organised by HPP Exhibitions in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands from 8 to 10 November 2023. We look forwa...
more 27 October 2023LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 29 June 2023 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) Our guest speaker L...
more 22 June 2023The FloriPEFCR project aims to set harmonised rules and a methodology for calculating environmental footprint for floriculture products (cut flowers & potted plants) und...
more 20 June 2023LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members and network are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 15 June 2023 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) T...
more 05 June 2023Union Fleurs will be present at IPM ESSEN, Germany from 24 to 27 January 2023. You are warmly welcome to visit us in Hall 1, Stand 1D12.A at the BGI TRADE CENTER! We look fo...
more 16 January 2023We wish all our members and network all the very best for 2023! May the New Year bring fulfillment, enjoyment and inspiration to all ! Sincere thanks to our members, stakeholders a...
more 02 January 2023LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 15 December 2022 from 15H to 16H CET (Amsterdam time-zone) We will welcome as gues...
more 09 December 2022Union Fleurs will be present at IFTF - International Floriculture Trade Fair , organised by HPP Exhibitions in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands from 9 to 11 November 2022. We look forwa...
more 24 October 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 27 October 2022 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) This session is a follo...
more 19 October 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 29 September 2022 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) We will welcome as gu...
more 16 September 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 23 June 2022 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) EU rules on plant health c...
more 17 June 2022PRESS RELEASE - 16 June 2022 Members of Union Fleurs, the International Flower Trade Association, have elected a new President and Board of Directors on the occasion of t...
more 16 June 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Wednesday 18 May 2022 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) We will welcome as guest sp...
more 13 May 2022We are pleased to announce that Union Fleurs will hold its General Assembly 2022 on Monday 13 June 2022 from 15h / 3pm CEST to 18h / 6pm CEST. We are seizing the opportunity of th...
more 22 April 2022The April 2022 issue of Floraculture International Magazine includes an interview of Sylvie Mamias , Union Fleurs Secretary General. In this comprehensive conversation, the achiev...
more 21 April 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 21 April 2022 from 16H to 17H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session,...
more 15 April 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 24 March 2022 from 15H to 16H CET (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session, w...
more 11 March 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 24 February 2022 from 15H to 16H CET (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session,...
more 11 February 2022LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 20 January 2022 from 15H to 16H30 CET (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session...
more 14 January 2022The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), in association with Union Fleurs – the International Flower Trade Association, has published ‘International Statistics - Flowers and Plants 2019’. The 67th version of this annual publication contains current available data on the global production and trade of ornamental plants and flowers.
more 07 January 2022As 2021 is drawing to a close, we wish all our members and network a very enjoyable festive season and all the very best for 2022! May the New Year bring fulfillment, enjoyment an...
more 23 December 2021For each monthly session, Union Fleurs members will receive an invitation announcing the topic and keynote speaker and providing a link to sign-up. For any questions, please conta...
more 16 December 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 16 December 2021 from 15H to 16H CET (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session,...
more 06 December 2021Floraldaily has recently published an interview of Sylvie Mamias, Union Fleurs Secretary General. It was a valuable opportunity to present the role of Union Fleurs to their readers...
more 22 November 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 25 November 2021 from 15H to 16H CET (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session,...
more 12 November 2021We are very pleased to announce that Union Fleurs will be present at IFTF - International Floriculture Trade Fair , organised by HPP Exhibitions in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands from...
more 07 October 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 21 October 2021 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the session,...
more 07 October 2021In line with its long-standing involvement in sustainability issues for the floriculture industry, UNION FLEURS is pleased to support, together with several organisations of the or...
more 24 September 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Wednesday 29 September 2021 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off the sessi...
more 15 September 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 26 August 2021 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off...
more 24 August 2021Union Fleurs is pleased to participate in Thursd Online Trade Fair 2021 Summer Edition. From 17 to 23 June 2021, and for the 3rd time in a year, 40 prominent exhibitors from the...
more 17 June 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join our CONNECT-Session on Thursday 24 June 2021 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone) To kick-off t...
more 17 June 2021Union Fleurs members will receive an invitation to register & confirm their attendance for each monthly session. For any questions, please contact the secretariat: info@unionfl...
more 08 June 2021LET'S (e)CONNECT! All Union Fleurs members are invited to join an online CONNECT-Session on Thursday 27 May (14h to 15h CET). During this 1h get-together, we will exchange with me...
more 21 May 2021Policy updates & more: Ukraine safeguard measures on imports of roses, EU reduced phytosanitary checks 2021, EU interceptions of FCM in Kenyan roses, new French requirements o...
more 05 May 2021Plant health is an essential component of a thriving floriculture industry and an integral part of ensuring continued and sustainable trade flows. UNION FLEURS - International Flow...
more 22 March 2021Union Fleurs Secretary General Sylvie Mamias recently took part in a BBC documentary that explores how the global flower supply-chain has dealth with the impact of the COVID-19 pa...
more 21 November 2020Press release - 14 July 2020 Growers and breeders of ornamental plants and flowers are being called upon to show fairness and understanding as the time comes for growers to pay the...
more 15 July 2020Press release - 16 June 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted and disrupted the EU Flower and Live Plants sector and market since early March 2020. In an unprecedented e...
more 16 June 2020Union Fleurs is very appreciative of the active involvement of the many Members of the European Parliament who have called upon the European Commission to help the EU flowers and l...
more 27 April 2020Updated 17 April 2020 Our members, partners and network are wonderful and keep spreading beautiful and positive flower & plants initiatives amidst COVID-19 crisis To infuse so...
more 17 April 2020UNION FLEURS STATEMENT: The international floriculture industry has for the last three decades been an outstanding success-story of a highly integrated and intercon...
more 10 April 2020The ornamental sector (cut flowers and ornamental plants, trees and bulbs) is undoubtedly the agriculture sector impacted the most by the exceptional crisis derived from COVID-19,...
more 24 March 2020The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), in association with Union Fleurs – the International Flower Trade Association, has published ‘International Statistics - Flowers and Plants 2019’. The 67th version of this annual publication contains current available data on the global production and trade of ornamental plants and flowers.
more 20 November 2019On 5 November 2019, over 150 executive managers and decision makers from companies and organisations active across the international floriculture supply-chain came to the IFTF Audi...
more 15 November 2019Union Fleurs, the International Flower Trade Association, is all geared up to welcome participants from across the international floriculture supply-chain for the second edition of Floriforum on Tuesday 5 November (14h-17h) in the IFTF Auditorium in Vijfhuizen.
more 29 October 2019In just under three weeks, Union Fleurs, the International Flower Trade Association, will welcome on executive managers and decision makers from companies and organisations active across the international floriculture supply-chain to the second edition of Floriforum.
more 16 October 2019Dennis van der Lubbe, Flower Council of Holland, is a confirmed speaker at Floriforum on 5 November 2019. Don’t miss out! Register now to Floriforum and join the conversation on “Customer Dynamics” !
more 07 October 2019The programme scheduled for Tuesday 5 November 2019 at the IFTF fairground at Expo Haarlemmermeer in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands is the following: 9h30-11h30: Union Fleurs members...
more 03 October 2019Kate Penn, CEO of Sociaty of American Florists (SAF), is a confirmed speaker at Floriforum on 5 November 2019. Don’t miss out! Register now to Floriforum and join the conversation on “Customer Dynamics” !
more 01 October 2019Phill Burton, COO of Bloom & Wild, is a confirmed speaker at Floriforum on 5 November 2019. Don’t miss out! Register now to Floriforum and join the conversation on “Customer Dynamics” !
more 12 September 2019Don’t miss out! Register now and benefit from the preferential early-bird rate!
more 23 August 2019Do you know how buyers and consumers make their decision? How can the unconscious mind influence commercial relations and purchasing behaviours? And why getting a better grasp on customer dynamics is highly relevant to the floriculture supply-chain? To find out about this and more, register to the Floriforum 2019 and join the conversation on customer dynamics!
more 31 July 2019Tuesday 5 November 2019 at IFTF (Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands) As in 2018, we will catch-up with members on 5 November morning, before moving on to the Floriforum (14h-17h) . Furthe...
more 03 July 2019UNION FLEURS is ready to kick-off the programme organised for its Pot plant members in Sweden on 19-20 June, in cooperation with our Swedish member BRO. We will welcome a group of 25 pot plant wholesalers and growers from Germany, Denmark and Belgium. We will undergo a 2 - day tour of professional visits taking us from Malmö up north all the way to Göteborg and conclude with a meeting in Malmö on 20 June afternoon.
more 18 June 2019Union Fleurs, the International Flower Trade Association, is pleased to announce that the Floriforum will be back by popular demand for a second edition. It will take place on Tuesday 5 November 2019 (14h-17h) at the IFTF Auditorium in Expo Haarlemmermeer, Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands. Focusing this year on customer dynamics, the conversation will aim to explore how the global floriculture supply-chain can adapt and thrive in an environment of shifting paradigms.
more 04 June 2019It's happening again! Make sure to mark 5 November 2019 in your diary and join the conversation! Registration will open in July 2019. Stay tuned for more information and check out our dedicated website: www.floriforum.com
more 04 June 2019The Union Fleurs European section, in cooperation with our Swedish member BRO - Blomsterbranschens Riksorganisation, is organising a Pot Plant Wholesaler meeting on 19 & 20 June 2019 in Sweden. The programme of professional visits will take participants from Malmö to Göteborg, to various retail companies, wholesalers and growers, offering a good overview of the Swedish green sector.
more 16 April 2019UNION FLEURS has celebrated on 28 & 29 March its 60th Anniversary on the occasion of its Annual General Meeting.
more 02 April 2019Find the detailed programme of the 2-day event (28-29 March): Click to download the PDF ...
more 20 March 2019Looking back at the International Floriculture Forum (IFF) on 6 Nov 2018, we are excited to share a selection of pictures taken that day. Feel free to share ! [FAG id=750]...
more 26 February 2019In 2019 Union Fleurs will celebrate a special anniversary as it marks the association’s 60th year. For the occasion, we will meet on 28 & 29 March in Brussels, birthplace and current home of Union Fleurs, and will couple the celebrations with the General Assembly 2019. We hope to see you there and invite you to register and book your hotel room accordingly!
more 18 February 2019Union Fleurs will this year again be present with its own booth at IPM Essen in Germany, from 22 to 25 January. You are warmly welcome to visit us in Hall 1, Stand D12.15 at the BGI TRADE CENTER!
more 17 January 2019LOOKING AHEAD: Trade, logistics & product innovation: How can the international floriculture industry respond to an ever-changing international environment and challenging dyna...
more 26 September 2018On the eve of IFTF, the world’s most important trade exhibition for international flower growers and buyers, Union Fleurs is organising, in cooperation with HPP Exhibitions and Hor...
more 19 July 2018