CONNECT – SESSION | 29 June 2023 | Topic: Insights and lessons from current dynamics in the floriculture market

LET’S (e)CONNECT!  All Union Fleurs members  are invited to join our  CONNECT-Session on Thursday 29 June 2023 from 15H to 16H CEST (Amsterdam time-zone)


Our guest speaker Lambert van Horen, Senior Specialist Fresh produce at Rabobank Research Food & Agribusiness, will offer insights and perspectives on the market dynamics for floriculture products over the past year. He will look back at how the floriculture industry has reacted and adjusted to various critical developments (COVID, high inflation, logistic issues, Ukraine war and geopolitical tensions etc) and how consumers have been behaving during the period.  And he will suggest lessons and learnings that could be drawn for the industry from these rather turbulent times.

This shall inspire for a productive discussion and interesting exchanges of views with the participants during this 1H get-together!

Union Fleurs members have received an invitation to sign-up  & confirm their attendance. For any questions, please contact the secretariat:


2nd Public Consultation – FloriPEFCR (19 June-17 July 2023)


The FloriPEFCR project aims to set harmonised rules and a methodology for calculating environmental footprint for floriculture products (cut flowers & potted plants) under the guidance and validation of the EU Commission.

Union Fleurs is a partner of FloriPEFCR since its inception in 2019 and takes part in its Technical Secretariat together with other key industry organisations.

A 2nd public consultation has opened on 19 June and will close on 17 July 2023. Industry stakeholders (wherever based) are invited to provide their feedbacks.

To request the files for the consultation:

  • send an email to:
  •  with subject : “Request for files for FloriPEFCR consultation”.

For further background information about FloriPEFCR, please check the project webpage