Registration now open for Floriforum international industry conference (4 November 2024): “Cultivating Sustainability Together – Shaping Tomorrow’s Floriculture”


Floriforum, organised by Union Fleurs – International Flower Trade Association, in partnership with FSI – Floriculture Sustainability Initiative, will take place on Monday 4 November 2024 at 4PM on the eve of the opening of IFTF in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands.  Dedicated this year to sustainability within the global floriculture industry with the theme “Cultivating Sustainability Together – Shaping Tomorrow’s Floriculture”, this unique conference will offer a space where the international floriculture industry meets for an open conversation on changes and challenges as well as opportunities and future dynamics.

Join us and engage in enlightening panel discussions covering the latest market dynamics and trends, the imperative for sustainability messaging to global buyers, and the crucial task of presenting a unified, positive narrative surrounding floriculture cultivation and trade to sustain the future of flowers and plants.

Interested to attend? You are now invited to register using the conference registration form. Don’t miss out! Register and join the conversation!

Registration to this conference is free of charge but mandatory. Attendance to the conference will be open to qualified participants directly and actively involved in the international floriculture industry and subject to admittance confirmation. Once your application is processed and approved, you will receive a confirmation of your registration via email.

Floriforum will take place on Monday 4 November 2024 from 4pm to 6pm in the auditorium of IFTF, EXPO Greater Amsterdam in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands. It will be followed by a networking cocktail at 6PM.

Floriforum is organised by Union Fleurs – International Flower Trade Association in partnership with FSI – Floriculture Sustainability Initiative and sponsored by HPP Worldwide and Kuehne + Nagel.

CONNECT – SESSION | 28 February 2024 | Topic: Measuring Environmental Footprint: FloriPEFCR ☑ – What next?


LET’S (e)CONNECT!  Union Fleurs members, industry partners and network are invited to join our  CONNECT-Session on Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 15H to 16H30 CET (Amsterdam time-zone).  The session will be dedicated to the topic of Measuring Environmental Footprint and is organised in close cooperation with FSI (Floriculture Sustainability Initiative) and Royal FloraHolland.


Following the approval of FloriPEFCR by the European Commission and its formal launch on 14 February 2024, our guest speakers Albert Haasnoot, Chair of the FloriPEFCR Technical Secretariat, and Jeroen Oudheusden, FSI Executive Officer, will present the final version of the FloriPEFCR setting harmonised rules and a methodology for calculating environmental footprint for floriculture products (cut flowers & potted plants). They will also explain what the next steps will consist of and how FSI is preparing to support efforts to realise the ultimate purpose of the FloriPEFCR: demonstrating in a consistent, unified and verified manner the environmental impact of floriculture products and stimulating the further reduction of their environmental footprint.

This is a follow-up to previous sessions we held in 2021 and 2023 to inform on the development of the FloriPEFCR. Union Fleurs has been a proud partner of FloriPEFCR since its inception at EU level in 2019 and has taken part in the work of its Technical Secretariat.

Union Fleurs members and network have received an invitation to sign-up  & confirm their attendance. For any questions, please contact the secretariat: